- Mazzi Team
- Goals
Communicant the mission of Mazzi team
Make it easy for people to access book and hire Mazzi
Create passive income through subscription - Website
- Home
- Individual bios
- Workshops
- Subscriptions
- Footer..
- Social Media
- Scheduling software
- Team
- Individual
- Phone calls
- Workshops
- Media assets
- Logo
- Photos team/individual
- Video
Personal intro (use in bio page) - Workshops
Define with the workshops are price and frequency - Subscriptions
Define what the purpose of the subscription will be
What will the benefit be for subscribers - Hard Cost
Total $1,400
MeVo $500
3 led light panels $900 - MeVo
Multi camera studio in a box - Lights
3 lights - Jacks
A mix of roles:
Shape vision for marketing and products,
Content creator,
Web developer,
Tech support. - Goals
Build website
Integrate scheduling software
Create brand assets (photos, video, logo)
Consult on what products to buy, set up and teach how to use.
Help direct the first few subscription videos. - Cost
Total $5,700
* $750 per subscription video
Website $1200
Scheduling $1000
set up integration and training
Assets $1500
Photos and bio videos
Consulting $500
purchases for video creation
Training $150/hr
Estimate $1500
Website, scheduling, making videos uploading. - Direct
Web series $750 per
5 min web cast for subscription
Directing and production
Includes pre production meeting
Editing - Training
How to be self supported using all the tools for website scheduling, and content creation.